providing hands-on pain relief for over 40 years

Love Letter to Albuquerque

heart-shaped New Mexico flag

My newest article is now live: A Love Letter to Albuquerque, NM. For 34 years, Albuquerque has been such an important part of my life and the evolution of my clinic—from my first office, NM Myotherapy and Exercise, in 1984, to the current incarnation of MyoRehab that I founded in 1997 with my partner, George Pellegrino.

On June 30, 2017, MyoRehab will be entering the next chapter. I am closing the Albuquerque office and moving back to Rhode Island, where I'm originally from, to be near family. I will continue to teach and treat patients in Rhode Island, and intend to return to New Mexico in the winters to treat patients (and ski!)

I love the New Mexico sunshine and all my patients, colleagues and friends. Thank you for all your love and support through the years!

This article will be in the May/June issue of Truly Alive Magazine as part of my regular series.

Check out the MyoRehab Archive for many more informative articles about Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction.